Art Lover (Ukraine)
A Young Girl Defending Herself against Eros 1880
The Creation of Adam 1510
Christ of Saint John of the Cross 1951
Dante and Virgil In Hell 1850
The Disrobing of Christ 1579
The First kiss of Adam and Eve 1891
Odysseus and the Sirens 2008
The Virgin of the Lilies (La Vierge au lys) 1899
Daniel in the Lions' Den 1616
Christ in the Desert 1872
The Fall of Man 1592
Pietà 1876
The Niccolini-Cowper Madonna 1508
The Temptation of Christ 2011
Lilith 1892
The Entombment 1612
The Virgin as Intercessor 1629
Christ in the Storm on the Sea of Galilee 1695
The Entry of the Animals into Noah's Ark 1613
The Fall of Man (Titian) 1550