The Cat 1900
My Wife's Lovers
Cats fighting 1786
Idleness 1900
Good Friends (Portrait of the Artist's Sister Bertha Edel... 1881
Portrait of Maria Frederike van Reede-Athlone at Seven Ye... 1756
Master Bedroom 1965
Miss Dorothy Quincy Roosevelt (later Mrs. Langdon Geer) 1902
Good Friends (Puppy and Kitten) 1875
Mr and Mrs Clark and Percy 1971
The Waning Honeymoon 1878
Mme. Charpentier and Her Children 1878
El minino de Velazquez 2014
Young Girl at a Window 1926
Sentada con mi gato / Sitting with my cat 2009
Cats (rayist percep.[tion] in rose, black, and yellow) 1913
Walk With Dogs 2014
A Dog on a Chair 1860
A Distinguished Member of the Humane Society 1831
Woman with dogs