Romeo and Juliet: the Tomb Scene 1790
Scena di riposo pomeridiano / Scene of afternoon rest
Mythological Scene 1524
The Original Scene
Love Scene 1525
"Unseemly Love, perhaps a scene of the Widower Joost with... 1720
Unseemly Love, perhaps a scene of the Widower Joost with... 1750
A Love Scene 1660
Venus and Adonis (Love Scene) 1731
Four Love Scenes and a Landscape: Page from a Dispersed R... 1700
Infinite Light of Love
Remembrance-The Beloved's Cry
Umarmung (Liebespaar II) 1917
Tristan and Isolde 1916
The Battle of Love 1880
I'll take care of you 2017
Sunrise 2007
Amor cortese 2011
‘’Mars and Venus’’ A tribute to Jean Francois Lagrenee 2017
A Discourse on Love 2010