Cat under Chrysanthemums Hen and Chicks under Flower 1700
Bamboo 1800
Landscape in the Style of Fan Kuan 1300
Frontispiece Painting of the Sutra of Meditation on Saman... 1100
En jagt af kongelige personer
Buddha Shakyamuni and Narrative Scenes 1800
Angel with Bird 1800
Tiger Under Bamboo and Pine Trees 1800
The Story of King Mandhatar; The Story of King Candraprab... 1700
The Jina Buddha of Infinite Light (Amitabha) in His Pure... 1501
Butterflies, Flowers, and Rocks 1800
Tennessee River, Alabama
Concert in the Egg 1561
The Cat 1900
Gabrielle d'Estrées et une de ses sœurs 1594
The Ecstasy of Saint Francis 1615
The Jina Buddha Ratnasambhava
Dragon in Clouds 1700
Little girl with a dead bird