article about raphael perez artist statement on his queer... 2011
«Αθωότητα», 80 x 100 cm,oil on canvas.
Rome: Sunset from the Convent of Sant' Onofrio on the Jan... 1856
The Windmill on the Onbekende Gracht, Amsterdam 1874
The Rest on the Flight into Egypt with Angels, one offeri... 1675
Grace Darling (1815-1842) and her father William Darling... 1860
One of Four Battle Scenes: An Engagement on a Bridge outs... 1650
View of the Convent of S. Onofrio on the Janiculum, Rome 1826
One morning on the Arno river 1868
One of Four Battle Scenes: A Cavalry Engagement on Bridge 1650
A View from S. Onofrio on Monte Gianicolo, Rome 1875
Terrace of the café on the Place du Forum in Arles in the... 1888
The Boulevard Montmartre on a Winter Morning 1897
Woman on the stairs 1825
Autumn - On the Hudson River 1860
The Flageolet Player on the Cliff 1889
Christ on the Cross 1610
Sunrise on the Matterhorn 1875
Canoe on the Epte (En canot sur l'Epte ou Canoé sur l'Ept... 1890
Morning on the Seine 1898