Saint Mary of Egypt in the Desert
Garden – Nude of the desert. From the journey to Egypt 1903
Family of Saltimbanques 1905
The Finding of Moses 1904
The Death of the Pharaoh’s Firstborn Son 1872
Egypt III 2011
The combine of Japanese and Egyptian civilizations .
the combine of Japanese and Egyptian civilizations . 2022
The 1798 Egyptian Expedition Under the Command of Bonapar... 1835
The Aziz and Zulaykha enter the capital of Egypt and the...
Scenes from the Lives of the Desert Fathers (Thebaid) 1420
The Rest on the Flight into Egypt with Angels, one offeri... 1675
The Temptation of St. Anthony 1946
The Temptation of Christ 2011
The Fifth Plague of Egypt 1800
Rest on the Flight into Egypt 1879
Bonaparte Before the Sphinx (Bonaparte devant le Sphinx) 1868
Ancient Greece and Ancient Egypt, detail heads of Athena...
Caesar Giving Cleopatra the Throne of Egypt 1637
Egypt I 2011