A matter of time 2010
'Sweet Serenity Of Books' By Mo Kelly
Portrait of Gabriel Bernard de Rieux 1741
Adolf, Duke of Schleswig-Holstein, Declines the Offer to... 1825
Trompe-l'œil of a Table in a Mess with Paintings, a Hurdy... 1779
Portrait of a Man 1831
The Young Emperor Akbar Arrests the Insolent Shah Abu’l-M... 1595
Kichik Beg Wounded during Babur's Attack on Qalat, page f... 1590
Still-Life of Books 1628
Vanitas still life with skull, books, prints and painting... 1640
Portrait of two men by a table with books and writing too...
Of Making Many Books there is no end, and Much Study is a...
Young Woman in Orison Reading a Book of Hours 1532
Vanitas still life with a globe, books, and a box of jewe... 1650
Pair of Book Covers 1835
Good Friends (Portrait of the Artist's Sister Bertha Edel... 1881
The Mother and Sister of the Artist 1870
Portrait of Two Women 1914
Meditation on the History of Italy 1850
Portrait of Madame de Pompadour (1721-1764) 1756