St. Sebastian Attended by St. Irene 2011
St. Sebastian Confronts the Emperor Diocletian 2013
St. Sebastian Thrown into the Cloaca Maxima 1612
Study Head of a Young Man Looking Upwards. St Sebastian 1700
Madonna and Child with St. Peter and St. Sebastian 1487
Virgin and Child between St. Sebastian and St. Ursula 1480
Martyrdom of Saint Sebastian
Study for the Martyrdom of Saint Sebastian 1620
St Sebastian Being Tended by Two Angels
Saint Sebastian Tended by Saint Irene and Her Maid 1630
St Sebastian 1656
St. Sebastian at the Column 1487
Saint Sebastian 1493
Saint Sebastian 1700
Saint Sebastian 1583
St Sebastian 1700
The Martyrdom of St. Sebastian with Saints Stephan, Chris... 1507
Martyrdom of Saint Sebastian 1600
St. Sebastian 1480