Count Lepic and His Daughters 1870
Father and daughter 2011
Portrait of a Gentleman and His Daughter 1805
Portrait of a Gentleman and his Daughter reading in an In... 1810
A Father and his Daughter 1835
Untitled 1896
Emperor Charles and His Mistress Johanna Van der Gheynst... 1844
Three portraits, a father with son and daughter: Portrait... 1795
Daughters of Lot
Portrait of a Man and His Three Sons 1540
Svätopluk and his Sons 1850
Portrait of Diane d'Andouins and her daughter
Men and Animals Struggling Against Death & Father Time
Hide and Seek 1877
The Mother and Sister of the Artist 1870
Mrs. Fiske Warren (Gretchen Osgood) and Her Daughter Rach... 1903
Madame Stumpf and Her Daughter 1872
Pepilla the Gypsy and Her Daughter 1910
Susanna Fourment and Her Daughter 1621
Mother and child bathing