relationship of man and woman couple on bed love painting... 1996
Women's Art Class 1868
Aha, meneer is een kenner / Yes sir, it's art
EnigmatikAkt / Torso 5 2017
The Conversation 2015
La Safran II. 2012
“Kiss” 2019
The women on the Third Floor (The art collector/ Art buye... 2015
In the studio 1888
Etruscan Vase Painters 1871
Visit to the Studio 1891
The Artist in His Studio 1866
The Artist's Wife Fishing 1896
Diogenes 1882
Two Sisters (On the Terrace) 1881
A Friendly Call 1895
The Cliff Walk at Pourville 1882
Maxime Dethomas 1896
Lord Northwick's Picture Gallery at Thirlestaine House 1846
Tryzna 2013