Jupiter and Io 2009
Jupiter and Io 1532
Juno discovering Jupiter with Io 1618
Arcadian Landscape with Jupiter and Io 1680
Jupiter et Io
Landscape with Jupiter and Io 1557
Io, transformed into a cow, is handed to Juno by Jupiter 1638
Juno Seeking from Jupiter the Gift of Io Transformed 1638
Io et Jupiter
Arcadian landscape with Jupiter and Io 1703
Jupiter omhelst Io 1568
Juno verrast Jupiter en Io 1655
Jupiter and Io
Jupiter and Io, espied by Juno 1649
Jupiter and Io 1821
The Abduction of Europa 1632
The Birth of Bacchus 1539
Jupiter and Semele 1894
Leda and the Swan 1600
Nymph and Satyr 1716