Head of a Damned Soul from Dante's "Inferno," (verso) 1778
A Glimpse into Hell, or Fear 1899
Head of a Damned Soul from Dante's "Inferno," (verso) 1774
Dante and Virgil In Hell 1850
The Barque of Dante 1822
Inferno - Original Abstract painting Modern pop Art Conte...
Dante und Vergil im Inferno 1864
Canto 1: Dante in the Wilderness 2017
Canto 3: Dante and Virgil at the Entrance to Hell 2016
Divine Comedy - Inferno - Canto 3: Charon 2018
Le disperate strida serie Inferno-Dante. Canto I. 2012
Dante Gabriel Rossetti reading proofs of Sonnets and Ball... 1882
Beata Beatrix 1872
Dante Shows an Artist Some Unusual Clouds 1883
Untitled 1801
Dante's Bark 1850
Mademoiselle butterfly 2013
Pomegranates 2010
Sounds of Music I 2012