Szarża na baterie rosyjskie pod Stoczkiem 1907
Battle of Raszyn 1913
Battle of Olszynka Grochowska 1931
The Fire in the Tuileries 1871
Reading the Order of expulsion to the Acadians in the par...
Untitled 1854
Blessing of soldiers. 1801
Scene of the Belgian Revolution 1830
Grenadier with Bayonet 1745
Bayonet fight of Russian regiments with Turkish infantry... 1881
Grenadier with bayonet 1745
Spanish Bayonet (Yucca baccata) 1935
Rosalie, Rosalie! Rosalie is the Nickname for the French... 1919
La mort de Bara (The Death of Young Bara) 1883
Αέρα! ΙΙ - Aera! ΙΙ
Μὲ Τέτοιο Λαμπρὸ Στρατό - With Such A Glorious Army
Αέρα! I - Aera! I 1940
Two sepoys with rifles on their shoulders with fixed bayo...