Queen Bianca 1877
The Banquet of Seowangmo (Xiwangmu), Queen Mother of the... 1700
Portrait of Barbara Radziwiłł née Koła Wolska (?–1550), m... 1735
Queen Mother of the West 1823
Paying homage to Xiwangmu, the Queen Mother of the West 1449
Portrait of Maria de' Medici (1575-1642), Queen mother of... 1640
Queen Victoria (1819-1901) as a Child with her Mother Mar... 1849
Madonna and Child with Angels 1479
Young Mother Gazing at Her Child 1871
Maternity 1873
Mother About to Wash Her Sleepy Child 1880
Young Mother Sewing 1900
Madonna of the Dry Tree 1462
Forladt. Dog ej af venner i nøden 1888
Moterhood 1998
Lady Cockburn and Her Three Eldest Sons 1773
Portrait of Countess Anna Stroganova with Her Son 1801
Mother 1895