The Martyrdom of St. Cecilia 1610
The Torment of Saint Anthony 1488
The Martyrs of Japan 1628
Martyrs chrétiens entrant à l'amphithéâtre (Christian Mar... 1855
Saint Stephen 1895
The Martyrdom of St. Andrew 1675
Saint Sebastian 2010
St. Vittorio of Siena 1350
St. Corona 1351
St. Blaise 1445
Christian Martyrs in Colosseum 1862
storie della vita di Santa Lucia 1412
The Martyrdom of St. Agatha 1786
The Death of St. Peter Martyr 1535
Le martyre de saint Etienne 1700
Martyrdom of Saint Peter Martyr 1727
Martyrdom of Saint Peter Martyr 1650
Martyrdrom 1850
The Martyrdom of Peter of Verona 1629