Dish of Fruit 1916
Guernica 1937
Girl with a Mandolin (Fanny Tellier) 1910
Portrait of Two Women 1914
Man with a Lollipop 1938
Weeping Woman (Femme en pleurs) 1937
Seated Nude (Femme nue assise) 1909
The Smoker 1953
The City of Paris 1912
Red Balloon 1922
Architectonic Painting 1917
Trees at L'Estaque 1908
Nude Descending a Staircase, No. 2 1912
The Battle of Amazon and Centaurs 2014
Annunciation 2013
The Breakfast 2009
Juan Legua 1911
Tango 2014
cat and Converse 2010