Guernica  1937

by Pablo Picasso

Technique: Oil on canvas [br]Dimensions: 349,3 x 776,6 cm Category: Painting Museo Nacional Centro de Arte, Reina Sofia, Madrid, Spain Observations: The government of the Spanish Republic acquired the mural "Guernica" from Picasso in 1937. When World War II broke out, the artist decided that the painting should remain in the custody of New York's Museum of Modern ...
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Pablo PicassoArtist (Spain)
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EGKConservator (1.8K)
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  1. Guernica is such a powerful and haunting piece of art. Picasso's ability to convey the raw anguish and chaos of war through his muted palette and abstract forms is simply extraordinary. geometry dash’s incredible how this painting not only represents the tragedy of a specific event but also serves as a timeless symbol of the horrors of conflict. Truly a masterpiece with profound impact.
  2. Excellent content! Very informative and engaging. Solar