Femme nue couchée 1862
Good Friends (Portrait of the Artist's Sister Bertha Edel... 1881
Decadent young woman. After the dance 1899
The Mother and Sister of the Artist 1870
The Waterhouse 2012
Unexpected Visitor 2003
Contemplative 2014
Scena di riposo pomeridiano / Scene of afternoon rest
Fairy tale 2012
The Psyche Mirror 1876
Madame Moitessier 1856
Madame Récamier 1800
Into The Light (series) 2013
The Artist's Wife by Lamplight 1898
Nude Sitting on a Divan 1917
Sentada con mi gato / Sitting with my cat 2009
Cardplayers 2011
Lilac Odalisque with red fan 2010
My Brother and His Wife 1998