Art Lover (China)
The Signal 1899
Flaming June 1895
Idleness 1900
Carnation, Lily, Lily, Rose 1886
The Bed (Le lit) 1893
"Thalia and the cat " 2010
Girl in a Boat with Geese 1889
When the Heart is Young 1902
Flowers in a Crystal Vase 1882
The Reader's Path 2012
Hide and Seek 1877
Al Fresco
Wheatstacks, Snow Effect, Morning (Meules, Effet de Neige... 1891
The Old Guitarist 1904
A field guide to famous cats 2013
Studio with Goldfish (L'Atelier aux poissons rouges) 1912
The Scream 1910
Summer Luxuriance 1890
Weeping Woman (Femme en pleurs) 1937
View into a lane 1914