Kelly John Gough

Artist (South Africa)



Bold, rich oils on a raw backdrop of wood panel; elegant, classical figures with a provocative, erotic edge – Kelly John Gough’s artwork embodies a breathtaking joining of juxtapositions. Inspired by the human form, Kelly paints vibrant, striking nudes with a composition enriched by strong chiaroscuro, exciting areas of negative space and the natural grain of his signature...



Kelly John Gough rated Egon by Kelly John Gough

Kelly John Gough rated Dale by Kelly John Gough

Kelly John Gough rated William by Kelly John Gough

Kelly John Gough rated Charlie by Kelly John Gough

Kelly John Gough rated Jose #2 by Kelly John Gough

Kelly John Gough rated Lily by Kelly John Gough

Kelly John Gough uploaded the artwork Charlie by Kelly John Gough

Kelly John Gough uploaded the artwork Lily by Kelly John Gough

Kelly John Gough uploaded the artwork William by Kelly John Gough

Kelly John Gough rated Jose #1 by Kelly John Gough

Kelly John Gough uploaded the artwork Jose #2 by Kelly John Gough

Kelly John Gough uploaded the artwork Jose #1 by Kelly John Gough

Kelly John Gough rated Hedy by Kelly John Gough

Kelly John Gough uploaded the artwork Hedy by Kelly John Gough

Kelly John Gough uploaded the artwork Dale by Kelly John Gough

Kelly John Gough uploaded the artwork Egon by Kelly John Gough

Kelly John Gough rated Lulu by Kelly John Gough