The Marble Steps leading to the Church of Santa Maria in... 1816
The Cloisters of the Franciscan Monastery Santa Maria in... 1816
The Cloisters of the Franciscan Monastery Santa Maria in... 1813
The interior of the church of Santa Maria Sopra Minerva i... 1874
View to the Maria dei Miracole und Santa Maria Nova churc... 1866
The Foundation of Santa Maria Maggiore in Rome. The Patri...
The Monastery of Saint Maria in Aracoeli, Rome 1815
Altar frontal from Santa Maria in Taüll 1200
Santa Maria in Porto Altarpiece 1479
The Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore in Rome 1809
Piazza del Campidoglio with Santa Maria d'Aracoeli, Rome 1742
The Miraculous Founding of Santa Maria Maggiore in Rome 1475
Annual Fair at Santa Maria Dell'Impruneta in Florence 1650
Franciscan monks in the cloister of Santa Maria in Ara Co... 1842
Madonna con il Bambino in trono tra i santi Pietro e Paol... 1320
A view of Rome seen from the Villa Patrizi, with Santa Ma... 1784
Santa Maria dei Bardi in Florence 1870
Santa Maria della Salute church in Venice
View in the Cochineal Gardens at Santa Cruz, Teneriffe 1875