The Gulf of Naples with the Island of Ischia in the Dista... 1818
The Ponte Salario, near Rome 1809
The Aurelian Wall in Rome 1809
Landschap met klooster bij Subiaco 1778
The Shelling of ’s-Hertogenbosch by the French 1800
Liggend en staand rund 1787
Wolkenstudies 1778
Bomen in de omgeving van Subiaco 1778
The Basilica and Monastery of the Quattro Santi Coronati... 1809
The Aqua Claudia in Rome 1809
The View from the Batavian Embassy in Paris 1801
Het Colosseum te Rome 1809
The Basilica of Maxentius and Constantine in Rome 1809
Twee ezels 1787
Mountain Landscape at Tusculum 1809
Gezicht bij Tours 1808
The Basilica of the Santi Quattro Coronati in Rome 1809
Five Capitals in the Villa Mattei in Rome 1809
Basilica and Monastery of SS. Giovanni e Paolo in Rome 1809
The Porta San Paolo and the Pyramid of Cestius in Rome 1809