The Origin of the Milky Way 1575
The Origin of the Milky Way 1638
The Judgement of Paris 1909
The Judgment of Paris 1632
The Judgment of Paris 1638
The Judgment of Paris 1606
The Judgment of Paris 1636
Judgement of Paris 1913
Judgement of Paris. 1892
The Judgment of Paris 1597
The judgement of Paris 1527
Hera 2014
Hera in the House of Hephaistos 1902
Jupiter Beguiled by Juno on Mount Ida 1790
The judgement of Paris 1532
Hera Temple in Paestum 1878
Hera Hides during the Battle between the Gods and the Gia... 1643
Hera hiding during the battle between the gods and the gi... 1643