Esther Kenworthy Waterhouse 1885
Esther Barbara Blommarts-Sandrart (1651-ca. 1730) 1725
Mrs. Aaron Burr (Esther Edwards Burr) (1732 – 1758) 1754
Marieke Hardy
The Toilette of Esther 1841
Deborah Conway
Esther 1865
Still life with supermodel and cocky
Esther before Ahasuerus 1654
War kids - Esther 2014
Raising Eyebrows
Beach bodies
A Young Woman (Esther? Bathsheba? Judith?) at her Toilet
Esther and Gess 2013
Argumenta Psalmorum 1606
Esther Inglis, 1571 - 1624. Calligrapher and miniaturist 1595
The Psalmes of David 1612