View of the Mills of Dolo on the Brenta 1728
The lock at Dolo on the Brenta: Capriccio 1780
The Lock at Dolo 1763
View of Dolo on the Brenta 1774
Capriccio with the Dolo lock 1748
Bridge at Dolo 1780
View of the Brenta, near Dolo 1750
Portrait of Doña Dolores Tosta de Santa Anna 1855
through me 2015
Mater dolorosa 1600
Dolorosa Madonna
Dolores, Julienne & Thelma 2016
Mater Dolorosa 1665
Portrait of Dolors Vidal
After Tania Bruguera: Dolores Jimenez y Muro. Oil on canv...
Mater Dolorosa (Sorrowing Virgin) 1500
Mater Dolorosa