View from the British Museum
Rostam sleeping while Rakhsh fights a lion (British Museu... 1518
Rustam Mourns Suhrab (British Museum 1922,0711,0.2) 1649
The British Fleet Forming a Line off Algiers 1829
General Francis Marion Inviting A British Officer to Shar... 1810
Portrait of the British Admiral Sir Edward Hughes (1717/1... 1786
"British America" of Winsor N.S. Passing Flushing 1875 1875
Visit to a Museum 1890
British Army Officer Late Empire 2019
Interior View of The Metropolitan Museum of Art when in F... 1881
Louis-Philippe visiting the Luxembourg Museum 1840
The Museum of Rennes in around 1900
The Cathedrals of Art 1942
Flying Donkey
Paddling the Wounded British Officer 1897
The Picture Gallery in the Old Museum
Kruisdraging (Museum Fritz Mayer van den Bergh) 1540
Gallery of the Museum of Fine Arts, Copley Square
The Lawrence Room, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
A Gallery in the Old Museum