The Holy Family with Saint Anne and the Infant John 1600
The Flight into Egypt 1550
The Small Cowper Madonna 1505
In the Nursery 1885
Agony in the Garden 2016
The Agony in the Garden 1491
The Holy Family 1513
Themis with child in the "Lotus"position 2014
Twelve Year Old Jesus in the Temple 1509
Christ in the Storm on the Sea of Galilee 1695
Jesus in the Temple 1650
The Chief Priests Ask Jesus by What Right Does He Act in... 1894
Studies for foot in "Jesus Giving the Keys to Saint Peter... 1817
Jesus in the House of Martha and Mary 1535
Christ in the Storm 1650
Feast in the House of Simon 1615
Christ and the Woman Taken in Adultery
Vajra in His Cradle (top left) / Vajra Being Nursed by Hi... 1449
The Nativity 1519
The Nativity with the Annunciation to the Shepherds 1340