An Old Woman Reading, Probably the Prophetess Hannah 1631
Saint John the Baptist in Prison Visited by Two Disciples 1460
Le Prophète Élisée
Morning at the Brook Cherith 2021
Old prophetess, ca. 1655-1660
David Meeting Abigail 1625
Daniel and Cyrus Before the Idol Bel 1633
Prophet Ezekiel 1511
The Man of Sorrows 1525
Prophet Zechariah 1508
The Reluctant Prophet 2008
The prophet Elisha rejects the gifts of Naaman 1637
The Prophet Elijah in the Desert Awakened by an Angel 1624
St. Anne Revealing to the Virgin the Prophecy of Isaiah 1749
Prophet Isaiah and the personification of the Night 2001
Salome with the Head of Saint John the Baptist 1542
The Head of Saint John the Baptist Brought before Herod 1460
Ecce Agnus Dei 1460
Biblical Scene 1645
"Σκήτη Προφήτου Ηλιού" - "Skete of Prophet Elijah" 2013