The Coin Collector 1655
Cupid spurning riches 1654
Vanitas still life with coins and other objects on a tabl... 1655
Trompe-l'œil with Coins on the Top of a Guéridon 1810
Vanitas still life with coins and other objects on a tabl... 1661
Portrait of a Man with coins 1540
Vase of Flowers with Jewel, Coins and Shells 1606
Allegory of Sight (Venus and Cupid in a Picture Gallery) 1660
Un coin de bois aux Sablons 1883
A Corner of the Salon in 1880 (Un Coin du Salon en 1880) 1880
The Proposition 1631
Untitled 2010
Danaë 1545
Un coin d'atelier 1880
Coin de Table 1872
The Tribute Money - Peter Finding the Silver Coin in the... 1630
Vanitas Still Life 1697
coin d'ateleir 2004
Vieille femme mangeant au coin du feu