Conversion on the Way to Damascus 1604
The Last Judgement
Garland of Flowers with Madonna and Child 1650
Christ on the Cross 1846
Archangel Gabriel; The Virgin Annunciate 1510
Jesus Ministered to by Angels 1894
The Dream of St. Joseph 1665
Madonna of the Dry Tree 1462
Christ in the House of His Parents (The Carpenter’s Shop) 1850
Head of Saint John the Evangelist 1820
The Feast in the House of Simon 1614
Entry of Christ into Jerusalem 1617
St. Luke painting the Virgin 1532
The Dream of St. Joseph 1700
The Annunciation 1600
The Man of Sorrows 1525
The Vision of St. Francis Xavier 1656
Nativity 1620
A Praying Italian Woman
Christ Crowned with Thorns 1620