Art Lover (United Kingdom)
The Signal 1899
A Young Girl Defending Herself against Eros 1880
Venus on the Waves 1769
The Storm 1880
Springtime 1873
Young Girl Reading 1770
Reverie 1904
The Farewell of Telemachus and Eucharis 1818
Pygmalion and Galatea 1890
A Roman Slave Market 1884
Venus with a Mirror 1555
Pandora 1872
Diana and Actaeon (Diana Surprised in Her Bath) 1836
Three Lovers 1820
The Love Letter 1750
Triumph of the Marine Venus 1713
The Bath of Venus 1751
Selene and Endymion 1770
Salomé met het hoofd van Johannes de Doper 1861
Allegory of Painting 1765