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by Johann Ender
Ruhende Pilgerinnen in italienischer Landschaft 1831
Portrait of Baron János Malonyay 1829
resting pilgrims 1831
Greek Girl 1821
Maria Anna of Hapsburg, Infanta of Spain, later Archduche... 1609
Family portrait: Maria Anna, Wolfgang, Anna Maria (medall... 1780
Empress Maria of Austria, Wife of Maximilian II 1551
Portrait of the Archduchess Maria Amalia of Austria, Duch... 1778
Portrait of Maria Anna of Bavaria (1574–1616), Archduches... 1604
Maria Anna of Austria as child 1723
Portrait of Anna Maria Lampi (née Franchi) with her son F...
Portrait of Maria Anna from Austria 1800
Maria Anna of Austria 1729
Maria Theresa, Empress of Austria and Queen of Hungary (1... 1765