Untitled 1701
Gräfin Maria Magdalena von Dönhoff, geb. Gräfin Bielinska 1718
Untitled 1700
Untitled 1747
Portrait of Baroness János Podmaniczky née Judit Osztrolu... 1724
Maria Anna of Austria as child 1723
Portrait of Prince Ferenc Rákóczi II 1712
Untitled 1710
Princess Sobieski, née Maria Josepha Wessolowska 1713
Portrait of Józef Potocki
Portrait of a Nobleman in Armour 1718
Portrait of Count Georg Wilhelm Werthern 1719
Portrait of Jan Sebastian Szembek (1672-1731) 1731
Portrait of Archduchess Maria Theresa of Austria, later E... 1723
Still life with peaches 1721
Porträt der Charlotte Amalie von Hessen-Wanfried. 1710