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Elijah Rescuing Prince Nur ad-Dahr from Drowning in a River  1579

by Hamza ibn ‘Abd al-Muttalib

Elias and Prince Nur ad-Dahr; single-page painting on detached folio. A-side: From the Hamzanama. The prophet Elias (Elijah) rescuing Prince Nur ad-Dahr from drowning in a river. Lush forest in background and fish and sea creatures in foreground. [[url=http://www.britishmuseum.org/research/collection_online/collection_object_details.aspx?objectId=231697&partId=1&searchText...
81.4 x 61 cm
Manuscript; A-side: opaque watercolour on cloth (cotton). B-side: ink on paper
This photographic reproduction is in the public domain (Wikimedia Commons)

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