Troops Embarking at Southampton for the Western Front 1917
Italian Brigands Surprised by Papal Troops 1831
The Storming of Teocalli by Cortez and his Troops 1848
In the Troops' Quarters outside Paris 1894
Commanding the troops. Victory meal Part I. 2012
Προέλασις - Advance 1945
Troops of Louis XIV before Schenkenschans, 18 June 1672 1672
Washington Rallying the Troops at Monmouth 1851
A Soldier with Troops in the Background 1884
Ὑπὲρ βωμῶν καὶ ἑστιῶν - For altars and hearths
A Cavalry Encounter between Turkish Troops and the Troops... 1645
Parade of the Austrian troops before King Jan Sobieski 1898
Alfonso d'Avalos Addressing his Troops 1540
George III and the Prince of Wales Reviewing Troops 1798
The landing of British troops at Aboukir, 8 March 1801 1802
Departure of Spanish Occupation Troops from Breda, Octobe... 1647
The Duke of Marlborough and his Staff with Troops drawn u... 1712
Napoleon and Troops 1902
Billeting the Troops 1880