Pluto and Persephone 2017
Jupiter, Neptune and Pluto 1599
Pluto (Hades) 2012
Pluto Unveiled 2015
Ceres and Persephone
Hell 1622
Venus Urging Cupid to Shoot his Arrow at Pluto 1586
Pluto raupt Proserpina
Cupid inspiring Pluto to love (after Van Dyck) 1684
Pluto and Proserpine
Ontvoering van Proserpina door Pluto 1550
Neptune and the Winds 1743
Psyche obtaining the Jar of Forgetfulness from Pluto in H... 1717
L'Enlèvement de Proserpine 1757
Ceres trampling the attributes of the War 1635
Abduction of Proserpina by Pluto 1825
Pluto entführt Proserpina (zugeschrieben) 1556
Der heilige Cassian von Imola stürzt die Statue des Pluto... 1752