The Seventh Plague 1823
The Plaguedoctor 2013
The Fifth Plague of Egypt 1800
The Four Horsemen 1498
The Plague 1898
Bonaparte Visiting the Plague Victims of Jaffa 1804
Saint Frances Announcing the End of the Plague in Rome 1657
The Plague in Rome 1869
Plague in an Ancient City 1654
Saint Sebastian Interceding for the Plague Stricken 1499
Plague in Ashod 1630
Blessed Bernard Tolomei Interceding for the Cessation of...
The plague of 1630 1666
Cause and effect 2020
corona borealis 2022
Saint Macarius of Ghent Giving Aid to the Plague Victims 1673
The Plague makes the Castillians lift their Siege over Li... 1901
Saint Carlo Borromeo Attending to the Plague Victims 1778
Chryses persuading Apollo to send the Plague upon the Gre... 1787
Honneurs funèbres rendus à Titien, mort à Venise pendant... 1832