The Destruction of Pompeii and Herculaneum 1822
Pandemonium 1841
The end of the world 1851
The Plains of Heaven 1851
Ruins of an Ancient City 1810
The Seventh Plague 1823
Manfred on the Jungfrau 1837
The Bard 1817
The Assuaging of the Waters 1840
The Coronation of Queen Victoria 1839
Joshua Commanding the Sun to Stand Still upon Gibeon 1816
Fallen Angels in Hell 1841
Joshua Commanding the Sun to Stand Still 1840
Hyde Park 1815
The Last Judgement 1853
The Eve of the Deluge 1840
Belshazzar's Feast 1821
The Destruction of Sodom And Gomorrah 1852
The Last Man 1849
Diogenes Throwing Away His Cup 1833