Musicians and their Muses / Los Músicos y sus Musas 2008
The Disquieting Muses 1918
Apollo, Euterpe and Urania
Marsyas Ill-Treated by the Muses 1630
Apollo and the Muses on Mount Parnassus 1628
Apollo and the Muses
Apollo and the Muses 1674
Minerva and the Muses 1650
The Muses Garden
Poetry muses. 2013
The Muse Urania (the nine muses, 1782) 1782
The Muses Leaving Their Father Apollo to Go and Light the... 1868
Apollo and The Nine Muses 1856
Apollo and the Muses on Mount Helicon
The Muse Calliope (the nine muses, 1780) 1780
Landscape with Apollo and the Muses 1652
Hesiod and the Muses 1882
The Muse Melpomene (the nine muses, 1771)
The Muses Urania and Calliope
Muses and Graces 1859