Minerva and the Muses 1650
Jacob's Ladder 1650
Untitled 1650
Untitled 1630
La mort de Saint Joseph 1650
Het sterfbed van Maria 1606
Untitled 1640
Le Baptême du Christ 1645
Clelia Crossing the Tiber 1637
The Virgin and Child with Saint John the Baptist and Chil... 1637
Christ and the Samaritan Woman 1640
Self-portrait 1640
La Naissance de la Vierge 1644
Urteil Salomonis
Salome with the Head of Saint John the Baptist 1637
The Rape of the Sabines
Portrait de Louis II de Bourbon, duc d’Enghien 1643
Solomon Worshipping Idols 1647
The Liberality of Titus (Allegory of the Liberality of Lo... 1637