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gay couple homosexaul painter raphael perez lgbt artist q... 1998
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Mary Cassatt at the Louvre: The Paintings Gallery (Mary C... 1880
Portrait of the artist with oil lamp 1903
Self-Portrait 1889
A field guide to famous cats 2013
Monet’s Vader with a Parasol
The Emperor Napoleon in His Study at the Tuileries 1812
Marlene Dietrich 2010
Vincent van Gogh 1886
Grounds Keeper Willie Van Gogh
Portrait of Gustav Mahler
Self-Portrait Dedicated to Carrière 1889
Frederich Nietzsche 1906
Sophia Loren, Pablo Picasso, Ernest Hemingway 2014
Frida Kahlo de Rivera 2011
Marge Simpson
Amelie Poulain 2011