Princess Elizabeth (1596–1662), Later Queen of Bohemia 1606
Elizabeth Stuart, Queen of Bohemia
Gerard van Honthorst Shows Amalia van Solms the Drawings... 1854
Friedrich V, Elector Palatine, King of Bohemia, and his W... 1626
Prince Maurice in the Society of Prince Frederick Henry,... 1621
Elizabeth, Queen of Bohemia (1596-1662) 1623
Elizabeth Stuart, Queen of Bohemia, 'The Winter Queen' (... 1650
Frederick V, King of Bohemia and Elector Palatine 1635
Portrait of Anne of Hungary and Bohemia
Friedrich V, Elector Palatine (Frederick I, King of Bohem... 1621
Elizabeth, Queen of Bohemia
The Four eldest Children of the King and Queen of Bohemia 1631
Princess Elizabeth, Queen of Bohemia and Electress Palati...
Ferdinand III of Bohemia and Hungary 1634
Elizabeth, Queen of Bohemia (1596-1662)
The King and Queen of Bohemia dining in Public 1634
A Habsburg Princess, formerly called Elizabeth, Queen of... 1684
A view of Bohemia from Oberlausitz 1837
Girl of Bohemia