The Salon of Count of Nieuwerkerke (Une soirée au Louvre... 1855
Franz Anton Hovora Count Berka of Dubá and Lipá and Alois... 1670
Portrait of count Gaspar Paris Anton 1756
The Congress of Paris
Melchisédech offrant du pain et du vin, bénit Abraham: Mo... 1859
Women of Paris: The Circus Lover 1885
Rue Saint-Honoré in the Afternoon - Effect of Rain 1897
The Meeting of Gautier, Count of Antwerp, and his Daughte... 1787
Portrait of Louis I, Count of Löwenstein
Portrait of Louis Alexandre, Count of Toulouse 1690
Portrait of Wolfgang Wilhelm, Count Palatine of Neuburg 1630
The funeral of Charles I, Count of Flanders, celebrated i... 1876
Portrait of the Count and Countess of Linhares 1750
Portrait of Wolfgang Wilhelm, Count Palatine of Neuburg 1648
Edzard the Great, Count of East Friesland
Portrait of an unknown Count or Officer, possibly Count J... 1609
Portrait of Philippe de Montmorency, Count of Hoorne, Adm... 1595
Jan (1438–1516), First Count of Egmond; Countess of Egmon... 1600
Wolfgang Wilhelm (1578-1653), count palatine of Neuburg,... 1804
Portrait of Johann VIII, Count of Nassau-Siegen 1627