Proclamation of the Abolition of Slavery in the French Co... 1849
Odalisque Fanned by her Slaves 1850
The Salon of Count of Nieuwerkerke (Une soirée au Louvre... 1855
Pastor Laestadius instructing the Lapps 1840
In the Harem 1850
The Bay of Rio de Janeiro 1850
The Sermon 1850
Magdalena Bay
The Slave Trade (Slaves on the West Coast of Africa) 1833
Greenlanders Hunting Walruses in the Arctic Sea 1841
Fight with Polar Bears 1839
Two Indians in a Canoe 1850
Four o'clook, at the Salon 1847
Amazonian Indians Worshiping the Sun God 1860
Coast of Nova Zembla 1841
A Laplander 1850
Portrait of a Woman 1850
The Duke of Orleans Received in a Lapp Camp, August 1795 1841
The Boaters' Bath 1850
A Lapplander 1850