Behold the Man
Ecce Homo (behold the man) 1655
Behold the man 1650
Homo (Behold the Man!) 1850
Ecce Homo (behold the man) 1690
Behold the man 1765
Behold the man 1525
The Voyage of Life: Manhood 1842
The Charging Chasseur 1812
Of Making Many Books there is no end, and Much Study is a...
Moses Showing the Tablets of the Law to the Israelites, w... 1575
A Woman Playing the Theorbo-Lute and a Cavalier 1658
Feast in the House of Simon 1615
On the Seine near Mantes 1825
The Café-Concert 1879
The Old Musician 1862
Bonaparte Before the Sphinx (Bonaparte devant le Sphinx) 1868
The Pilgrim 1966
The Public Viewing David’s "Coronation" at the Louvre 1810