A young Mademoiselle de Blois, Marie-Anne de Bourbon, dau... 1687
God the Father 1664
Portrait of a Lady, said to be the Duchess of Aiguillon (...
Portrait of a man in Polish costume, most probably John I... 1672
Time cutting the wings of Cupid 1694
Portrait of Francoise Marguerite, Countess of Grignan 1700
Portrait of a Lady as Venus with Cupid 1685
Pan and Syrinx
The Death of Cleopatra 1635
Portrait de Ninon de Lenclos 1650
Portrait of Raymonde de Sade 1700
Euterpe and Clio 1746
Ecce Homo (behold the man) 1690
La Circoncision 1666
Untitled 1650
Portrait of Liselotte de Palatinat 1700
Portrait de Bossuet 1675
Jésus sur le chemin du Calvaire 1684
Portrait équestre de Louis XIV couronné par la Victoire 1674
Mademoiselle de Roquelaure 1700