my version of Guernica...shadow art 2013
Dawn of Justice shadow 2016
Coded shadow of the Buddha, hidden right in our DNA 2014
Portrait of Charles Deering 1917
Impressions of the Andrassy street 2002
The Lake the most famous gay artwork of the israeli homo... 2000
The Denial of Saint Peter 1629
The Raising of Lazarus 1635
The Shadow of a Dame 1912
Sounds of Music I 2012
man of steel 2013
raphael perez artist statement of his gay artworks homo... 2004
Piece of my summer 2015
Twilight of the global mind (Globalization V) 2015
Enigma of Light
The neo-liberal globalization of the mind" (Globe VII) 2015
The Art of Painting 1666
Interior View of The Metropolitan Museum of Art when in F... 1881
The Art Gallery of Jan Gildemeester Jansz 1794