The Gallery of Cornelis van der Geest 1628
Art Collection of Prince Władysław Vasa 1626
Untitled, 1957 — André Breton, Collection of André Breton 1957
Portrait of an unknown man with his art collection 1663
Charles Rennie Mackintosh, 1868 - 1928. Architect (study... 1914
Painterly Realism of a Boy with a Knapsack - Color Masses... 1915
You have no eyes how do you walk 2000
Saint Ignatius of Antioch Disemboweled by Trajan's Tortur... 1527
Diederik Baron van Leyden van Vlaardingen (1695-1764). Bu... 1728
Reservist of the First Division 1914
"Portraits of strangers" series, sheet 3 2019
CHASSERESSE DIANE - Diana the Hunteress - by Pascal CHASS... 2012
Dipinto Scene of Sacrifice, Yale University Art Gallery,... 256
Dipinto of Hyena, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1932....
A Collection of Pictures at the Time of Augustus 1867
Scenes from the Life of Saint John the Baptist 1495
Stack of Wheat 1891
Interior of a Picture Gallery with the Collection of Card... 1740
Collection of Cornelis de Geest with Paracelsus
The Beheading of Saint John the Baptist 1460