Exterior Port and Abra of Bilbao with Punta Galea 1903
Judith and Abra with the Head of Holofernes 1630
View of El Abra, Bilbao, from Algorta 1886
Still Life with Fruit, Oysters and a Porcelain Bowl 1660
Abraham Simon 1670
Portrait of Abraham Lincoln 1887
Still Life with a silver Wine-jar and a reflected Portrai... 1657
Self Portrait of Abraham Ángel 1923
Abraham Lincoln 1860
Melchisédech offrant du pain et du vin, bénit Abraham: Mo... 1859
Abraham Cowley 1666
Portrait of Sir Abraham Hume 1800
Abraham Tucker 1739
Abraham Lincoln 1865
Portrait of Abraham Prescott Jr. 1842
Abraham Bredahl Rosenvinge 1840
Portrait of Abraham Carel Wertheim 1896
Abraham van Wicquefort (1598-1682) 1670