Thomas Hardy 1893
Thomas Hardy 1922
Thomas Hardy 1923
William Augustus Bowles (1763-1805), as a Native American...
The Key to the Channel 1892
Wilhelm Cramer 1794
Portrait Of Thomas Hardy (1840-1928) 1924
Landscape 1882
A French paddle tug bringing a barque into Boulogne harbo... 1850
John Horne Tooke 1791
Joseph Haydn 1791
Sketch for drawing Boulogne Quay
Sir Thomas Masterman Hardy, 1769-1839 1809
John Frederick Sackville, 3rd Duke of Dorset (1745-1799)... 1775
Conversation in a Park 1746
Saint Thomas Aquinas 1476
Saint Andrew and Saint Thomas
Portrait of Thomas Cromwell
Thomas of Villanova heals the sick 1668
Arrangement in Grey and Black, No. 2: Portrait of Thomas...